B. Lively

Here's a little story 'bout a guy named - me!

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Still reading? Good, let's be friends :)

I am: NC-Born, Chicago-based | Graphic Designer, work in print industry | big ole' TTRPG Nerd, seemingly ever the DM (sigh) | Dad to 2 boys, Husband to a delightful City Witch | addicted to Mt. Dew Zero | I think I'm funny, but I'm really too nervous to post anything to actually support that | Dad Jokes by the plenty | I had two seizures once and, boy, that was weird | #critter #cteam #adventurezone | Twitter skulker | WoRkInG oN mY tOtAlLy UnIqUe HoMeBrEw BoOk pushes pretend glasses up nose | Apparently verbose, turns out.

Again - always down to talk nerdy with you. Hit me up, let's make something cool!